2025 Putnam County Fair is June 23-28

Putnam County Fair Website

Fair Entry Website

4-H Online Website

Junior Fair Board

  • 2026 Junior Fair Board Application OR Junior Fair Board Qualtrics Application - Due November 1, 2025 (Only 1 application per applicant needs to be filled out either paper or online)

The mission of this organization is to conduct and promote the Junior Fair programs of Putnam County through 4-H and FFA Leadership. The Junior Fairboard is open to all 4-H youth who are currently in grades 9 through 12. It is a great opportunity to help coordinate events at the Putnam County Fair and to be a part of a dynamic team of older 4-H/FFA members!

To apply for the Junior Fairboard you will need to fill out an application have your club advisor fill out the recommendation form and return both forms to the Extension office by 4:30 PM on November 1, 2025. You will also need to call the Extension Office and make an appointment for your interview. 

2025 Jr. Fairboard Meetings
Dates & Time

Meetings will be held at the Extension Office Meeting Room at 6:00PM 

January 16
February 20
March 20
April 15
May 15
June 12 - Skillathon
June 16 - Jr. Fair Board Workday @ the Fairgrounds  
June 19


The 2025 Putnam County Fair will be held Monday, June 23 through Saturday, June 28

Saturday, June 22, 2024

7:00PM Fair Parade
After Parade Silent Auction Set-up                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Sunday, June 23, 2024

8:00AM - 4:00PM Animals come on to the fairgrounds
8:00AM - Noon Rabbit weigh-in before penning            
8:00AM - Noon Poultry/Turkey/Fowl weigh-in before penning            
1:00PM Jr. Fair Office Opens
3:00PM All animals to be in Barns                  
4:00 PM Swine Weigh-In (North & South Barns)
4:00 PM Goat/Lamb Weigh-In (Lamb & Goat Barn)
5:30 PM Dairy Feeder Calf Weigh-In (South Barn) / Beef Feeder Calf Weigh-In (North Barn)                                                                                                                                 
6:30 PM Steer Weigh-In (North Barn)

Monday, June 24, 2024

8:00AM      Jr. Fair Office Opens               
8:00AM Jr. Fair Goat Judging/Showmanship (Main Show Arena)                                                                                                                                                                          
9:00AM Jr. Fair Horse/Pony Showmanship & Performance Classes
4:00PM Jr. Fair Sheep Judging/Showmanship (Main Show Arena)
7:00PM King/Queen Coronation (Grandstand)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

8:00AM Jr. Fair Office Opens
8:00AM Jr. Fair Dairy Feeder Calf Judging, Showmanship, 30 minute break then start Market Dairy Steer Judging (Main Show Arena)
8:30AM Jr.Fair Poultry/Fowl Judging/Showmanship (Poultry/Rabbit Show Arena)
11:00AM Cloverbud Recognition Ceremony (Entertainment Tent)
4:00PM Jr. Fair Beef Feeder Calf Judging, 30 minute break and start Breeding, Market Heifers, Market Steer Judging, then Showmanship (Main Show Arena)
7:00PM 4-H Style Revue Show (Entertainment Tent)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

8:00AM Jr. Fair Office Opens
8:00AM Jr. Fair Swine Judging/Showmanship (Main Show Arena)
8:30AM Jr. Fair Rabbit Judging/Showmanship (Poultry/Rabbit Show Arena)                                                                                                           
9:00AM Jr. Horse Performance Classes Coninued
3:00PM  Jr. Horse Contest Classes
7:00PM Feeder Calf Auction (Entertainment Tent)
7:00PM Decorated Animal Contest (Main Show Arena)
8:00PM Barn Games (Main Show Arena)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

8:00AM        Jr. Fair Office Opens
8:00AM Bred and Fed Swine Show (Main Show Arena)
10:30AM Bred and Fed Steer Show (Main Show Arena)                                                                                                                                                                      
12:30PM Bred and Fed Goat Show (Main Show Arena)
6:00PM Horse/Pony Versatility Show
6:30PM Open Class Swine Show (Main Show Arena)

Friday, June 28, 2024

8:00AM Jr. Fair Office Opens
8:00AM Livestock Sale (Main Show Arena) *Order: One trip per 4-H/FFA member by family in alphabetically order A-Z
4:30PM Show of Showmen Contest (Main Show Arena)
7:00PM Adult Horse Show (Horse Show Arena)  
7:30PM Open Class Goat Show (Main Show Arena)

Saturday, June 29, 2024  

10:00AM Jr. Fair Office Opens                         
11:00AM Jr. Fair Horse Awards Program / Jr. Fair Kids Fun Horse Show                                                                                                                          
12:00Noon Open Class Sheep Show (Main Show Arena)
8:00PM 4-H Silent Auction Closes (Jr. Fair Building)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

12:00AM - 1:00PM Animal Load Day & Clean Pens / Booth Clean-up                                                                                                                             
10:00AM JFB Jr. Fair Clean Up