The first step in the application process is filling out an Ohio 4-H Volunteer Application Form. This form will provide the basic information about you. The information you must give on the form includes:

General Information

Includes information such as your name, address, driver's license number, social security number, phone number, and previous 4-H or youth group involvement.

Volunteer Interest

Includes information such as why you want to be a volunteer, time commitment desired, type of volunteer position desired, and previous work and volunteer experience.

Personal References

Includes personal references and a criminal record check.

Volunteer Interest Checklist

The Ohio 4-H Volunteer Interest Checklist provides a snapshot of some of a volunteer's personal interests. With 20 activities and programs listed, a volunteer simply checks if they have a lot of interest, a little interest, or no interest in a particular subject. This list proves helpful to our Educator as we try to match up a volunteer with proper opportunities for the individual. This form also allows the educator to see where a volunteer may need additional help and support, so that volunteer development opportunities can be designed with those items in mind.

Ohio State University Youth Protection Policy

Ohio State University Extension worked closely with the Ohio Department of Human Service-Child Care Division to develop the Ohio State University Youth Protection Policy. The policy outlines expected professional guidelines and volunteer standards of behavior related to working directly with youth, identifies resources for recognizing incidences of child abuse, and includes recommended organizational procedures for reporting suspected incidences of child abuse. The policy also outlines responsibilities and roles of Extension professionals and volunteers in providing the safest possible environment for youth involved in Extension programs.

Ohio 4-H Volunteer Standards of Behavior

The Ohio 4-H Volunteer Standards of Behavior is a contractual agreement accepted by volunteers and Extension Educator who work with 4-H youth. The standards are a guide for behavior during volunteers' involvement in Ohio 4-H. Just as it is a privilege for Ohio State University Extension to work with individuals who volunteer their time, talents, and energies to 4-H, a volunteer's involvement in Ohio 4-H is a privilege and a responsibility, not a right. By adhering to the standards, a volunteer will set a good example for 4-H members, other volunteers, and the community. All potential 4-H volunteers will receive a copy of the standards to read and sign stating they understand the responsibility they are accepting. 

Volunteer Position Descriptions

A volunteer position description helps a potential 4-H volunteer to clearly understand roles they are assuming in the organization. A position description informs a volunteer of what will be expected of them and what types of support they can expect from our extension educator. Major parts of a position description include job title, time required, location, general purpose, specific responsibilities, qualifications, support to be provided, and the name of the volunteer's mentor or supervising professional.


This process allows an educator and a potential volunteer to talk one on one with each other. Interviews help establish a relationship between a potential volunteer and educator, also allows the applicant to ask pertinent questions.

Mandatory Training

Putnam County mandates an annual training for all volunteers, we offer several trainings early in the year. Please call the office for dates 419-523-6294. This process is especially helpful for new volunteers as it helps to familiarize them with county policies and traditions.

Click here to download the Volunteer Fillable Application Form

Click here to download the Fingerprint information sheet

click here to download the Standards of Behavior Form