How Do I Become a Master Gardener?
You CAN BE a master gardener if:
- You want to learn more about plants and gardening.
- You are eager to participate in practical and intensive training programs.
- You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others.
- You have the time to attend training and serve your community as a volunteer.
how do I become a master gardener?
You must attend the training classes and also complete 50 hours of volunteer service.
The OSU Extension Master Gardener Program is a premier statewide network of volunteer education and leadership development; as well as a consumer horticulture education delivery system that maximizes human, material, and natural resources, and values teamwork and excellence in educational programming.
There are many exciting opportunities for continuing education and camaraderie and this has helped OSU Extension to develop a corps of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers are an important component of the OSU Extension system. The Master Gardeners' knowledge, experience and enthusiasm have become essential to Extension education of consumer horticulture in the state of Ohio. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions about our programs and services to the community. The formal training program is the responsibility of the Putnam County Extension professionals. Instructors are Ohio State University faculty, Extension Specialists, Extension Associates, experienced Master Gardeners, and other experts.
The training program provides a balanced, integrated practical course in plant science. Core topics that are to be part of the training in every county are oriented to Extension and the Master Gardener Program:
- Basic Botany
- Plant Physiology
- Soils and Soil Fertility
- Basic Entomology
- Basic Plant Pathology
- Plant Disease Diagnosis
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Pesticide Use and Safety
- Plant Identification
- Home Lawn Care
- Annuals
- Perennials
- Trees and Shrubs
- Home Vegetable Production
- Home Fruit Production
- Backyard Wildlife Management
- Organic Gardening
- Herbs
- Specials topics, based on local needs, may be part of the curriculum
Volunteer Commitment
The Master Gardener training course consists of a minimum of 40 hours of instruction. In addition your are required to complete 50 community volunteer hours following the initial instruction to be a certified Master Gardener.
You must go though an online background check in order to become a Master Gardener Volunteer. The cost of the class is $150.00 plus the cost of the background check.
Our next Master Gardener training program in Putnam County will be in the fall 2024; it will be conducted each Tuesday for eight weeks, beginning in September. Classes will be from 9am to 4pm. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the 2024 class please email our office!